What does GenZ think about post-pandemic life?

Jinal Parmar
1 min readJul 1, 2021

The other day, I read this article about the post-pandemic economy, and I thought about what GenZ thinks about post-pandemic life?

As a Genz, I think that GenZ will take post-pandemic life more mindfully. We will take care of our well-being as well as of others. We will be more intentional about our physical and our mental health. Mental health is something we all should take care of. If there is a connection between mind, body, and soul then there is alignment in our being. Meditation and exercises are really helpful.

I think there will be fluidity between online courses/jobs and offline courses/jobs. Some courses will be online while some would be offline. As it may help in professional-personal life balance.

Dating life post-pandemic will be interesting, exciting. As we all have some of the other stories to tell. In this Pandemic, every person(single or coupled) intentionally is making themselves better and bolder. I mean c’mon we all are at least trying.

Although it’s hard to change everything, we can try this pandemic was/is a jolt to our minds. At its core, Post pandemic years will be about embracing ourselves and others.

